Mon 27 Jan
✿ •✿ HOTTT✿• •✿ ❤ ✿• •✿❤ ▬ ✿• •✿NAUGHTY &&& NEW✿• •✿▬❤ ✿• •✿❤ •✿•BLONDE•✿• (**HOPE**) - 21
✪✪✪ L_E_T_ ✪ _M_E_ ✪ _T_A_K_E _ ✪ Y_O_U_R_ ✪ _B_R_E_A_T_H_ ✪ _A_W_A_Y ✪✪✪ - 21
(Madison, Out Calls Only (Madison))
"""" // JUICY JUICE.. 100% Juice/ 100% ReaL!! @@@80$ SpeciAL@@@ - 21
(Madison, Madison and Surrounding Areas)
@@@@ Crem *d* Ella*Crem@@@@ Cream Anywhere U **Like*~_ Naughty Fun This W@@@@@Y Upscale Gent's - 21
(Centr@l M@dison)
😘😘In and outs 😘😘Kori Exotic Italian Mix Let me catch your blessing 😏😋 - 18
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
iF sHeS GOoD....iM BeTTeR ~~ H Ѽ R ° HaN ° ѼuR ° Â V R Â G ° BBW - 24
(EAST madison In or out)
€€€ I'm A WINNER €€€€ SeXy EbOn¥ Aspiring Model... - 22
(Madison, (World Wide Women) WILL TRAVEL!!...)
@@@@@ I Like To Do EveryThing@@@@ Th@t She Want Do @@@ UPSCALE DISCREET GENTS** IN CALL ONLY - 21
(Right Off Betline.. Rite Off 51)
¤JENN¤ stOp By before, after, or during work (for u naughty ones)!~ *~ PeTiTe ~$~ well reviewed - 18
In/0uT ☆PaRTy GiRL%100 ReAL☆●☆ToP oFF SL0bb€r SpcL☆●☆ Co-eD BoMBShELL!!!!!! 4one4933six3six8 - 20
**I** :: Lexi Keep The Real Man Coming Back 4 More %199.99% Real LEXI Madison Finest $$120$$ Allday - 22
(Madison...Will Travel 35min notice)
Hot Wet Thick & Juicy *$* A VERY Freaky girl *$* NEW pics! Sexy Sunday Specials!! - 23
(East Madison)
!! HOT --- Amazing --- MIXED --- Bombshell !! _____ SuPeR SpEcIaLs ______ Two Girls ____ WOW!!!
Im Ready When You Are
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
I'm BACK! Sexy Mulatto ..Lets play 💦💦 .. Dont miss OUT! PLEASURE is only one call away
(Glendale (discreet location), Milwaukee)
Incall Outcall - Safe REVIEWED Provider - 27
(Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Your place or mine?)
I Am "Miss. Michelle" I Have Sent A Scroll To My King, ) You Don't Have To Behave All The TIme~~
(South Milwaukee Near Miller Park)
♥ hOtt exOtic cOLLeGe GiRL ~ YuM♥ the B3ST On HeRe☺ - 20 - 22
(Madison, Madison/dell's area to incalls/outcalls)
Here To Cater To You!! $80 Outcall Specials Till Tom Night Only! Don't Miss Out!! - 28
(Madison, Madison/Monona, WI.)
$ Happy Holidays $ Its time for you to relax.. And let me spoil You.....riday spec¡als - 24
(Madison, madison incall..)
(¯`'.¸ ★ I'm ___ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You )) S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ★ ¸.'´ - 20
(incall / outcall * madison EAST)
If you want me then come and get me
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, hotel room)
I Am "Miss. Michelle" I Have Sent A Scroll To My King, ) You Don't Have To Behave All The TIme~~
(South Milwaukee Near Miller Park)